Meet Karla.

In an ideal world, a participant’s coach would be his or her constant companion—someone who’s always there to provide encouragement and help in good times and bad.

Think of Karla as the next best thing—the eyes and ears of both participant and specialist during the many hours of each week when they can’t be together.

Karla is

  • A personal bot that lives on a smart device, serving as an extension of a Specialist between sessions

  • Customizable by the Specialist, with the input of the Participant, to communicate with the Participant in ways that are familiar and comfortable

  • Aware of the time, location, triggers, and effective support to send in the moments it’s needed most

  • Designed to improve and expedite a person’s recovery rate because there’s a constant liaison between Participant and Specialist

  • Interactive with both the participant and the specialist, providing the participant with real-time questions, suggestions and follow-up and the specialist with a real-time account of the effectiveness of Karla’s interventions

  • Responsive to participants’ unique situations, providing feedback at the right time and place

  • A data observer that sees important responses to incidents from the participant that inform every subsequent participant-specialist session

  • Adaptable to participants’ evolving needs based on data and learnings

Karla isn’t

  • A chat bot — she won’t have a conversation with a participant about something unrelated to the care plan

  • Designed to replace human counseling, but she is designed to support and enhance it

a Karla demo

The best way to learn about Karla is to see her in action.

watch video